Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saturday 19th March. Stagsden to Turvey led by Bob and Celia. 9 miles.


We were met at Stagsden by Jill, Sue, Cathy and Neil. We had hoped for more walkers, but the longer distance ones were either indisposed or on holiday.

Jill, Bob, Neal, Cathy & Sue

It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies as we set off at a good pace. The conditions underfoot were mostly quite good with a few very muddy patches. We had chosen a route with no cross field paths.

Celia & Bob

We stopped for a short coffee break near the Astwood to Turvey road and reached Turvey at 12.30. We had our picnic lunch on 2 convenient seats by a beautiful flowering tree.

 We kept up the good pace in the afternoon and were back in Stagsden by 2.30.

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