Friday, April 22, 2022

Thursday 21st April 2022 Circular walk from Millbrook 5.5 mies. Leader Nita 17 Walkers


The sun shone as ordered. Everywhere was green on a nice Spring day.
Quite a few "ups and downs ", so we took our time and pace was monitored.
Beryl was an excellent Back Stop.
We walked through a Rape Seed field in full yellow bloom. I hope you can see us in Tony's photograph.
We had a coffee / banana stop in a nice warm shield spot in the sunshine.
Tony P spotted an buzzard in flight, most of us thought it was a red Kite.
Unfortunately Malcolm Sargent was not well and as usual members were very supportive and we were able  to get him safely home. 
This was a very enjoyable walk, enjoyed by all. 
Pleased to say that Malcolm is back home and we wish him a speedy recovery.

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