It is so nice to go to an entirely new place, and this walk
had everything. Good company, lovely weather, scenery, pretty villages and
water. Oh, and blackberries!
We nearly fell at the first hurdle: within 200m of Coleshill
Church, a Road Closed sign! We ignored it (as there wasn’t much alternative) and
it was actually quite passable. We missed the small print ‘closed from 25th
So we set off, through a most magnificent field of
cornflowers. Sue and Ruth tried to collect some seeds, but they were not ready
Shortly we reached the picturesque village of Winchmore Hill,
which unfortunately had cars parked in front of every lovely cottage, and continued to Penn Street for our banana
break at the war memorial on the village green. The family home of William Penn
(as in Pennsylvania) is near here. He
was given Pennsylvania by King Charles II as a thank-you for his support – not that
it was the King’s to give.
We then walked through some woods, appreciating the shade as
it was starting to warm up, and then 2km along ‘Toby’s Lane’, an old hedged

This brought us to the top of
a freshly harvested wheat field, and below we could see the flag on the tower
of the church – lunch stop- poking out. The village is really lovely, old
buildings, and has been used for Midsommer Murders.
The church had 2 benches and a porch with seats, a good
place for lunch, and we chose our seats according to sun worshippers and those
who needed to cool off.
We then went in the church. There was an informative
video at the side. The core of the church is Saxon, with ancient wall paintings,
and a Norman church was then built around it to extend the nave. The tower was
later, in C14.

Off again, this time along a river and some large lakes,
part of the grounds of Shardeloes House. Under
the A413, then into the historic Old Amersham. There are some really old
Tudor houses here, many nestling between the newer Georgian buildings.

At one
end is the old Town Hall and Market Place, and opposite a café that sold
Ice-creams….. twenty minutes later…..
And we had the last mile to walk. Uphill with no shade for a
short while, but then we were back in shade long the road to Coleshill again.
This was quite a long way to go, but such a lovely walk.
Track of walk, walked in clockwise direction