Monday, June 24, 2024

Thursday 20th June College Lake walks

 Fourteen walkers met at College Lakes.

 6 members joined Beryl for a longer harder walk.  We walked along the Grand Union canal & around Tringford & Marsworth reservoirs built to feed the canal, There were plenty of mallard in evidence.
Tony P,  Cathy, Kate, Jean S, Beryl & Tony R on the longer walk
8 members had a really enjoyable walk at their own pace. Lots of chat and several stops admiring the scenery. 
 Once the orchids were spotted there was great excitement. 
Mike & Nita looking over the lake
The weather could not have been better, blue skies and not too hot.
Yvonne and I were very pleased that we all managed to do the full circuit. 
Sandra, Penny, Mike & Anna
 When we got back to the Centre the other group were there before us. 
Brenda, Joan & Vivienne joined us there and there was plenty of  catching up to do seeing  friends that we had not seen for a while. 
Yvonne and I intend to put on the programme a similar walk on the next programme.

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