Sunday, July 28, 2024

Thursday 25th July -Terrible News received


Our Ruth . Last message received on 24th July

Not too many midges and weather should hold til Thursday

Body found in search for missing hillwalker

Close up of a woman with short hair, smiling, wearing a purple fleece sweatshirtImage source, Ruth Betts family

Ruth Betts, 64, was reported missing after failing to return to her hotel in Fort William

A body has been found in the search for a missing hillwalker.

Formal identification has yet to take place but the family of 64-year-old Ruth Betts, reported missing in the area, have been made aware.

The body was discovered around 19:15 on Thursday on the An Garbhanach munro near Kinlochleven.

Ms Betts was reported missing after failing to return to her hotel in Fort William on Thursday.

The experienced hillwalker reached the 1,056m (3,464ft) summit of Na Gruagaichean in the Mamores at about 10:15 on Wednesday.

Mountain rescue volunteers, Search and Rescue Dog Association members and coastguard have been involved in an extensive search.

Police said there are not believed to be any suspicious circumstances and a report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Saturday 20th July Old Warden > Shuttleworth 6 miles led by Tony P

This 6 mile walk had 4 walkers and started from St Leonard’s church Old Warden.
Walking down past the church, we entered Church End before making our way up towards Mount Pleasant farm,
Turning off before the farm onto the track through the fields, we entered a wooded area running parallel to the road.
Some road walking then found us heading towards the Shuttleworth collection, where following the tracks through the fields brought us out onto the North Beds Heritage Trail, 

Kate leading Beryl & Tony
 Continuing round the perimeter of the airfield, planes were giving pleasure flights in readiness for the air show later in the day.


Walking on towards our well earned coffee break in a small shaded woodland, we were soon refreshed and rearing to go.

Tony R, Tony P & Kate

Once again on the NBHT, we continued some road walking leading us towards Warden Warren.
At the top of the incline we stopped for our picnic lunch on some well place logs.

One of the biplanes that kept buzzing us.

Suitably refreshed once again we continued through the warren and down into Old Warden passing the village hall before turning once again into the fields and joining the tracks that would lead us back towards the church.

The end of the walk.

 For the end of what was a very enjoyable walk, on a nice mild day with a breeze keeping us cool.  

Track of walk, walked in clockwise direction.
       Regards Anthony Price

Monday, July 15, 2024

Sunday 14th July STRAWBERRY TEA Afternoon at Lower East End Farm, Harlington

Sue led a short walk from Harlington Village Hall car park to Lower East End farm where we thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon in the sunshine having our strawberry tea.

The walkers
We walked down through the fields to the lower road and through the copse where we stopped for a short break.
In the copse.
Then continued along The Bottoms to the farm.
Walking along The Bottoms.
Six other members were already there when we arrived having driven to the farm as well as many villagers. We all enjoyed an afternoon with live music and some of us joined in the singing.
Looking around the beautiful gardens and meeting the horses and a donkey. Some of us even won raffle prizes. We were able to bring a picnic or enjoy the delicious cakes and cream and strawberry scones.
All donations raised went to the Harlington St Mary's church restoration fund.

Enjoying Tea and cakes.

Penny, Hilary & Anna looking around the beautiful garden

Beryl and Sue climb the castle!

Tony & Neal looking at the fish

Some of us joining in the singing
A lovely afternoon enjoyed by all.  Thanks to Sue

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thusday 11th July Sharpenhoe Sindon Hills walk

This 5 mile walk started from Sharpenhoe Clappers car park with 8 walkers.
Originally it was supposed to have started from Sundon Hills car park but due to road closures the route was reversed.
We left the car park and crossed the road, climbed a few steps & went through a kissing gate to cross a meadow with sheep grazing in it. We descended the hill to arrive at the path that goes along the base of the hills. The fields here seemed to be growing enough oats to feed the nation.

Eventually this climbed up to a seat with lovely views of the Bedfordshire countryside. Here we stopped for a short coffee and banana break.


We then descended into the chalk pit via some wooden steps. On leaving the chalk pit we further descended many steps where the old rail trackway used to take chalk to Harlington station. We then again walked along the base of the hills before climbing almost level with the top meadows. Here Sue & Hilary left us before we continued onwards down & then upwards to exit the valley through a kissing gate into the top meadow. 

Diane leading Janet up the steps.

Here we were joined by Beryl, who had started late & walked in the opposite direction to us hoping to meet us part way through the walk. We stopped for a second coffee break just outside Sundon Hills car park where we noted the old picnic tables had disappeared.

Here we met some young men searching for their drone which had become stuck in a tree. On starting again the followed the hedge line in an easterly direction, We passed through several gates before ascending another short flight of steps where formally using a rope was the only way to ascend the slope. Here the ground was very slippery & care was essential. We the followed the track through the woods keeping the steep drop on our left.  At the end of the woods we turned right to cross the road and enter another footpath directly opposite via a gate. This field contained a good crop of barley which we walked alongside before leaving it on a path between 2 sheep fields. This led to the main path from the car park which we followed back to our cars. We felt we had had a good walk with wonderful views and good weather.

Track of walk, walked in anti-clockwise direction.

Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July Club Holiday at Bourton on the Water

 Photo of building

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday 4th July Toddington > Milton Bryan 7 miles led by Tony P

This 7 mile walk had 8 walkers
Starting from the village hall, we followed the path leading us down to Park Rd before crossing over into Long Lane for about 300 yards. We then left the lane by a footpath and on through fields of rape, ready to be harvested.

Finding the path through the rape was difficult as it was all overgrown.

We passed Lodge Farm & Herne Green Farm, almost doing a circumnavigation of Toddington Manor.

A well earned coffee break was taken before walking past Happy Land farm, following the tracks through the fields we came to a wooded glade that offered some shade from the sunshine.
However,  many of the tracks were now overgrown with long grass, making walking difficult.
Continuing our way onto Cuckoopit spinney again with the long grass and this time with the addition of very boggy mud holding up progress, once we tiptoed out way through we came out onto Park Rd.
After some road walking, we came to Milton Bryan,  where we stopped for our picnic lunch by the duck pond.

Already their to greet us were Joan & Viv, who were joining with us for a nice afternoon picnic, in the sunshine.

Once suitable refreshed, we continued on our way.
Walking on the path that leads through the back garden of one of the houses, before entering the fields and on towards Town Farm, we were now keeping almost parallel with the road to arrive back at Toddington, very hot and almost worn out.

Toruun, Tony R, Beryl, Wendy, Richard, Debbie, John D & Tony P

For what was the end of a very enjoyable walk, on a nice sunny day with a cooling breeze.

Track of walk, walked in anti-clockwise direction

Regards - Anthony Price