Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thusday 11th July Sharpenhoe Sindon Hills walk

This 5 mile walk started from Sharpenhoe Clappers car park with 8 walkers.
Originally it was supposed to have started from Sundon Hills car park but due to road closures the route was reversed.
We left the car park and crossed the road, climbed a few steps & went through a kissing gate to cross a meadow with sheep grazing in it. We descended the hill to arrive at the path that goes along the base of the hills. The fields here seemed to be growing enough oats to feed the nation.

Eventually this climbed up to a seat with lovely views of the Bedfordshire countryside. Here we stopped for a short coffee and banana break.


We then descended into the chalk pit via some wooden steps. On leaving the chalk pit we further descended many steps where the old rail trackway used to take chalk to Harlington station. We then again walked along the base of the hills before climbing almost level with the top meadows. Here Sue & Hilary left us before we continued onwards down & then upwards to exit the valley through a kissing gate into the top meadow. 

Diane leading Janet up the steps.

Here we were joined by Beryl, who had started late & walked in the opposite direction to us hoping to meet us part way through the walk. We stopped for a second coffee break just outside Sundon Hills car park where we noted the old picnic tables had disappeared.

Here we met some young men searching for their drone which had become stuck in a tree. On starting again the followed the hedge line in an easterly direction, We passed through several gates before ascending another short flight of steps where formally using a rope was the only way to ascend the slope. Here the ground was very slippery & care was essential. We the followed the track through the woods keeping the steep drop on our left.  At the end of the woods we turned right to cross the road and enter another footpath directly opposite via a gate. This field contained a good crop of barley which we walked alongside before leaving it on a path between 2 sheep fields. This led to the main path from the car park which we followed back to our cars. We felt we had had a good walk with wonderful views and good weather.

Track of walk, walked in anti-clockwise direction.

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