Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday 29th August Clophill / Chicksands Woods

This 7 mile walk was led by Tony P with 13 walkers
Meeting just off back lane on a nice bright sunny morning, we made our way along the lane past the Stone Jug, before turning onto the Slade, taking us up out of Clophill towards Kiln Farm. Turning left onto the footpaths we headed through the fields onto Great Lane, for some road walking before joining up with the Greensand Ridge before entering Chicksands Woods.

Through the woods we made our way down to Appley Corner, passing the Obelisk on Long Drive, where a well earned lunch break was taken in the glorious sunshine.

 Back on the track on the other side of the woods, we started to make our way back to Great Lane.

Taking the permissive track back and across a newly ploughed field, we turned an walked through the small stables and were soon back in Clophill for the end of what was a very enjoyable walk on a nice bright sunny morning with a gentle breeze.

Track of walk

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Thursday 22nd August Pegsdon Hill walk 3.4 miles led by Debbie & Nick

After looking at the weather forecast, we were not expecting many to join us, but we were joined by 9 walkers prepared to brave the elements !!  We left  Pegsdon in the dry & walked over the hills where we all walked to the top of Deacon hill for our coffee & snack stop.  

Facing into the wind at the top of Deacon Hill
At the top of Deacon Hill

The walk leaders (Debbie & Nick)

The weather turned here & was not very pleasant for our stop but it didn’t last long. We continued along the ridge and then down back into Pegsdon. The total elevation of the walk was 575 ft.
Thank you for joining us,   
Debbie & Nick

Track of walk, walked in clockwise direction

Friday, August 16, 2024

Thursday 25th July Pirton Circular led by John & Janet

13 people set off from Pirton village on a warm but cloudy morning. We walked on a wide track for a mile past Tingley Wood and then down by the side  of a field and crossed the B655 to pick up the Icknield Way with Deacon Hill to our right. We had a coffee stop on some convenient logs. 

John D, Liz, Beryl, Judith with John Y, Sue, Debbie, Wendy & Tony R
Brenda, Pete, Tony P with the leaders John Y & Janet
Debbie, Wendy, Janet & Sue having lunch

We then walked on towards Telegraph Hill. A steepish hill opened out to fields then on to Little Offley where we stopped for lunch sitting on a variety of bricks and concrete slabs at a suitable height.

The others at lunch

On past Wellbury House which is an orthodox Jewish school. We passed paddocks and saw 6 beautiful foals - the ladies spent more time oohing and aahing  than the men! 

Mum & Foal

 Then crossing the B655 again and up a fairly steep hill with great views at the top. 

The group on their way to the steep hill

We rejoined the original track and back into Pirton. We saw a variety of birds including kites, pheasant chicks , guinea fowl and a heron. A varied 6.3 mile walk that everyone enjoyed.

Track of the walk, walked in anti-clockwise direction


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday 15th August, Haversham walk led by Tony R

This 7 mile walk started for the car park by Haversham viaduct and had 16 walkers. Most of this walk was reccied last year by Ruth & Tony, so was a reminder of the work done by Ruth. However as that walk was over 9 miles a shortened version was reccied by Beryl & Tony last week.
We started off by walking under the railway viaduct before turning off over the River Great Ouse into the Floodplain nature reserve. We left this over another bridge to follow the railway north. After a short while we walked under the railway by means of a short tunnel & then turned south past a series of clay pigeon shooting butts. As we walked south we heard some loud shooting behind us. At the end of this field we turned left and soon crossed a brook by means of a wooden bridge. We carried on this footpath for just over half a mile to exit onto Wolverton Rd which we crossed. There was a Travis Perkins truck blocking the way into the sports field, but after asking permission we were allowed to pass it into the sports field. Here we had a coffee break making use of the benches.  We then had to cross a quarter of a mile of newly ploughed field before passing Manor Farm.  Fortunately the electric gate was open & therefore we avoided having to climb over the ladder style. We crossed High Street & walked past the now closed Greyhound pub in Haversham village. At the end of the village we ascended the hill to the village sign where we stopped for a photo.

We continued along the road to Hill Farm where we left the road and walked past the farm. We then opened a gate into a field where cattle were grazing. Keeping together we passed through another gate & then crossed the River Ouse using a bridge next to a weir. After the bridge & another gate we walked along a concrete road for well over half a mile until we reached the ruined church of St Peter. Here we stopped for our picnic.

 After leaving St Peter's church we walked up to the canal which we followed for just over a mile before leaving it just before Grafton Street aqueduct, the most recently built one in England. Beryl took most members to view the aqueduct before continuing the walk. We then walked through New Bradwell Park before crossing Newport Rd & entering the Ouse Valley Park. This led us alongside the river which we followed back to the car park. A nice dry day, not too hot & enjoyed by all.

Track of walk, walked in clockwise direction.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Thursday 1st August 3 mile Woburn walk led by Penny

14 members that gathered in Woburn car park were joined by the Chairman who had brought a condolence card for members to sign in memory of Ruth. 35 members had asked for their names to be added as they were unable to attend in person. After the signing Penny led a short silence of thought in memory of Ruth.
The walk started by crossing the High Street into Leighton Street which was followed for a short distance before turning left and entering the woods.

On leaving the first section of woods they crossed Wayn Close before entering more woods. Then they turned left round Crowholt Plantation. The footpath was then followed to cross London road and enter the park via the tall iron gate. This enclosed footpath was followed until it entered the open area of the park where another left turn was taken leading past Park Farm and Upper Drakelow Pond.


Soon afterwards the car park was reached for the end of the walk.
Track of walk, walked in ant-clockwise direction