Saturday, August 3, 2024

Thursday 1st August 3 mile Woburn walk led by Penny

14 members that gathered in Woburn car park were joined by the Chairman who had brought a condolence card for members to sign in memory of Ruth. 35 members had asked for their names to be added as they were unable to attend in person. After the signing Penny led a short silence of thought in memory of Ruth.
The walk started by crossing the High Street into Leighton Street which was followed for a short distance before turning left and entering the woods.

On leaving the first section of woods they crossed Wayn Close before entering more woods. Then they turned left round Crowholt Plantation. The footpath was then followed to cross London road and enter the park via the tall iron gate. This enclosed footpath was followed until it entered the open area of the park where another left turn was taken leading past Park Farm and Upper Drakelow Pond.


Soon afterwards the car park was reached for the end of the walk.
Track of walk, walked in ant-clockwise direction

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