Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday 12th September 6.5 mile walk from Toddington to Tingrith & back

This walk was part of the BEDS AUTUMN FESTIVAL OF WALKS & it had 15 walkers. We started by leaving Toddington Village Hall car park & followed a footpath to Park Road which we crossed to enter Long Lane. Very soon we left the road &followed a footpath through fields that had been harvested & roughly ploughed. We walked along this footpath for just over 1.5 miles before crossing Long Lane. Just under half a mile more brought us to Tingrith with its red telephone box, now a "book storage". We crossed the High Street and had a coffee stop in the old bus shelter, sadly now no buses.

Coffee stop at the old bus shelter.

 After our stop we walked up Church Road & continued past the church to a kissing gate which led into a sheep field. Here we stopped for a group photo.

Group photo
We continued through field for about half a mile before crossing Tingrith Road to new footpath leading alongside woodland.
The footpath alongside the woodland.

After about three quarters of a mile we crossed a farm track into another field of long grass. 
Field with long grass.
We walked across this field to enter Daintry Wood climbing all the way. After this wood we walked through a couple of gates before stopping for lunch by a seat we had installed over 20 years ago.

Lunch stop

Threatening sky  approaching during our lunch stop.
After lunch we continued along the hedge line, crossing another farm track &passing a paddock with several friendly horses, through another gate into parkland by Toddington Park House. We crossed the drive to enter another newly ploughed field. We walked for about half a mile across this long field to arrive at Park Road, which we crossed onto another footpath which led into a housing estate in Toddington. After few more roads we were soon back at the car park just as rain commenced.  We thought the timing was great as we had all enjoyed a dry walk.

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