Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday 5th September Flaunden walk led by Richard W

6 intrepid walkers met by the Flaunden telephone box on a damp & misty morning. We walked down the road , past the The Green Dragon pub before leaving the road at a sharp bend. We walked almost due south along a track, much used by horses, before entering a wood. On leaving the wood we followed a path which led to a bridge over the surprising full River Chess..We crossed the bridge and followed a path which led to Chenies Manor where we stopped for a group photo.

The group outside Chenies Manor.

We then went into the porch of Chenies church where we stopped for a coffee break.  About this time we were warned by a lady dog walker of a flood ahead, but being hardened walkers we pressed onwards. After re-crossing the river we found the flood through which we waded without problems.
Soon afterwards we stopped for our picnic and all managed to sit on one bench. A kind lady took our photo.

Tony P, Richard W, Beryl, Wendy, Tony R & Kate

Suitably refreshed we made our way back to Flaunden where we were all pleased to see our cars having walked 7 miles

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