Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thursday 20th February. Priory Park 6 mile walk led by Tony P.

Twelve ramblers set off for a walk around the lake and down the embankment into Bedford .
The sky was overcast and the wind blowing, but we soon made good progress around the lake. 

John D with his brolly, Sue, Maureen, Hilary, Tony R, Beryl hiding, Geoff, Torunn, Kate, Cathy & Neil
Crossing over the marina entrance we noted that the Great Ouse was very high and running very fast, leaving the park we joined the old railway track leading onto the embankment.
Crossing the river by the bandstand a couple of our walkers left us to take a shorter walk back 
We carried on over the weir which was running at full force, making our way into Bedford 
Crossing the river via the new bridge near the old Shire Hall & court house, (could have left a couple of walkers there), we carried on past the statue of our old friend John Bunyan, where the famous JB trail around Bedfordshire begins.
Now walking down the opposite embankment a famous TRC coffee break was taken, nearby a man was tapping tree to check if they were hollow & therefore dangerous.
Suitably refreshed we made our way back along the old rail track and into the park once more.
A work party felling trees and laying hedges blocked our path but a diversion was in place to walk around them.
Once through one more sticky patch of mud saw us all upping the pace back along the lake back to the car park for a quick change, then onto our lunch appointment at the local Beefeater.   
Our table at the Beefeater

Track of walk, walked in clockwise direction

Monday, February 17, 2025

Thursday 13th February. Dunstable Downs 5 mile walk led by Cathy & Neil Tabor

Fourteen ramblers set off from the Dunstable Downs gateway centre crossing B4541before skirting the Kensworth chalk quarry, that was to our left.

The route continued to the edge of Kensworth, then on, crossing Whipsnade Heath before a stop at the Tree Cathedral for a break. 

Picnic table at the Tree Cathedral

We then made our way back along the Icknield way and Chiltern way.
Although very muddy in places it was enjoyable, finishing with a visit to the centre for refreshments.

Track of route, walked in clockwise direction

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thursday 30th January 2025 College Lake Tring 2 miles

 Thank you to Sheila for the interesting written report.

Twelve members met at College Lake, near Tring, for a walk led by Denise. It was a chilly but sunny morning so perfect for a ramble. We set off around the lake stopping to look at the many water birds on the lake. We noted a large number of tufted ducks and a couple of swans. We made our way along the track to the agricultural machinery display and stopped for a browse. Maureen was able to tell us which machinery her father used when she was young. The area seems to have expanded and has toilets now. We could hear birds but the seed feeders were empty.

Following the path round the lake we came upon four wildlife trust employees/volunteers who had penned some Hebridean sheep. With their thick, long dark grey-black wool they were certainly well equipped for the cold weather. We learnt that they were being checked for condition. Those who needed attention were marked with an orange spray on their head,  with yellow for those looking well. One sheep's curly horns had almost curled into the side of his head and he had a problem with his teeth. This animal will need monitoring. The sheep were bred by the Trust at their farm in Oxfordshire.

Continuing on round the end of the lake we saw cattle also helping to control the flora by grazing. We could see the penned sheep being released in the distance. They ran across the grass as if happy to be free in the sun. We felt a noticeable chill on this part of path as we were in shade so we hurried on back into sunshine.


Upon arriving back at the cafe end we looked through the telescopes provided and identified a group of wigeon. The painted mural of all the birds still looks remarkably fresh although it's 15 years old. There were  also more of the sheep on the bank grazing here. We then hurried into the welcome warmth of the cafe for refreshments. It had been a lovely morning for the last walk of January.